Wandering For Money - Green Brick Road

Winners and Losers in Online Money Making in 2017

Winners and Losers in Online Money Making in 2017 (my experience)

Based on my experience, here is my personal list of what I found to be the best and worst apps and sites in online money making in 2017. Note that your experience may vary. But we will all have a colorful experience finding our own favorites (and not so favorites).

best and worst apps and sites in online money making in 2017


1.Overall: Methinks and dscout. I love these apps. Check out my review here. I may write posts on just them because they are awesome

2. Surveys? This is something you can trust to be there. so while they can average low in pay, availability says a lot. My favorite site is oneopinion.com and favorite app is swagbucks answer. See my first post on surveys here. More to come.

3. Receipts! Everyone eats and why not get some money off of it. Ibotta has hands down turned me from a skeptic saver to a this is so easy to get money. See my post on receipts and cash back here.

4. Secret shopper love? Check out Presto InstaShopper. This app shows you what is available nearby and lists links that take you to a webpage directly with the secret shopper company. It can seem a bit cumbersome at first and the app is honestly pretty slow, but the payout is worth it. Winner


1. InboxDollars – a great way to find out the meaning of maybe making a few cents an hour (ok maybe more but this is a huge discouraging app that everyone recommends for some reason. If it discourages you, you aren’t alone.)

2. ReceiptHog – the receipt cash back app that still hasn’t accepted me in 8 months. No. If it takes that long for an app to maybe let you send them receipts, move on. 

3. EasyShift – the gig shift app that can drive you insane. Great for making a fraction of minimum wage in way too much time.

These are all based on my experiences. Yours could be different. Try some out and let me know!

Do you disagree?? Tell me in the comments! Are there others you loved or others you HATED?? Let me know! What works for you may not work for me, but it may work for someone else! What were the best and worst apps and sites in online money making in 2017 for you???

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