Weekly Photo Challenge on Ascend
Weekly Photo Challenge on Ascend
When I saw this weekly photo challenge on ascend, I thought I would have no pictures. Turns out I take A LOT of pictures of stairs. So up up and away. Go forward, not back. Even when it looks hard or you are discouraged, you never know what happens with a little momentum upwards. Even if the destination is a bit unknown, as it is in my pictures of these staircases…
My Photos for the topic Ascend – Stairs up and forward, sometimes towards the unknown
All photos are my own.
Relying on apps, sites, freelancing, blogging, etc. – any type of self-employment or non-traditional path is always like venturing up towards the unknown. But you won’t know what is up there until you see. And if you try out freelance work or self-employment, even part time, or just need to save, check out some of my posts on saving money, so you do not get too freaked out to check out the unknown!! It does not always have to be coupon cutting thanks to some apps. But there are some simple tips that you can do to save some money easily without feeling like you are saving.
Keep wandering for money and if you have questions on how to use any apps I have posted about, just ask in the comments or on my contact page.