Wandering For Money - Green Brick Road

Want to Blog? Check This Out

Want to Blog? Check Out this Blogging Podcast and My Overview on How to Start

Helpful blogging podcast for newbies and anyone else

Sometimes my posts will not be super long (yeah surprise ha). I like to mention others in my post that read through the rants and helped me out. It is very kind and has let me know how much support is out there. That being said, I want to mention, The Blogging Pod, which is a very helpful blogging podcast. It was put together by a very helpful blogger that has been accessible and fantastic with asking the many (what I considered very dumb) questions.

Blogging can make money in a number of ways. You can sell things, post ads, employ affiliate marketing, offer freelance services directly from your blog, offer e-courses, sell ebooks, etc. These are just examples of some I have tried or have thought about. With the exception of offering freelance type services via your blog as the platform to offer them on, so you can contact me if you are interested. I cannot promise I am an expert my any means, but have tried quite a few ways outside my blog, and do see some means in which a blog can truly help for this if implemented correctly.

Helpful Blogging Podcast – The Blogging Pod

The Blogging Pod - Podcast Picture

Not everyone has been blogging for a decade or so. It’s intimidating and hard at first – especially when reading of how easy it is from the bloggers that have been very successful for quite some time.

This is why I have to recommend this podcast! It is: The Blogging Pod by Giles Jordan. You can find his blog here; https://gilesmeetsworld.com, and a description of his podcast with his post here: https://gilesmeetsworld.com/podcast/. The podcast is available at this link: http://thebloggingpod.libsyn.com/.

Also, can listen to it on Apple Podcasts via the link below:

What it Takes to Make Your First Money Blogging – Giles Jordan (GilesMeetsWorld) – Blogger | Entrepreneur | Content Marketer

My Thoughts

Ok my blog is allegedly about making money…and this podcast is not necessarily entirely on how to make money. But you can make money blogging if you do it right and if that is your end goal. Because it will take persistence AND patience.

However, first (1) you need to start a blog and next (2) you need a somewhat functioning blog. Giles is great here – especially with answering questions for those that may be relatively new at blogging. He offers experiences, tips, helpful perspectives as well as insight into the time and effort it can take (or not take if you know the right resources – my fave types of tips 🙂 ).

He discusses possible ways to make money via blogging and in my opinion, perhaps in a more realistic perspective than what may come up in certain searches. Or he at least discusses the steps to get there – sometimes including guest bloggers that DO tell you how some things do not just happen over night.

Money cannot be your main reason for blogging. Numbers will likely start out very low, and may take a while to climb up higher (or may never). Or you may be the richest person in a year – its not extremely predictable who the entire world will choose to gravitate towards which ultimately contributes a ton towards making money.

You really have to expect that money may be low (for possibly years) and have other reasons for blogging. Money may come. There are SO many ways besides those I listed – it can be overwhelming and really depend on your goal and niche. However, they are only opportunities, not guarantees. They almost always take time and patience. So if you enjoy it and enjoy posting content, just let the possible money follow. If you get frustrated, reach out to resources to make it enjoyable! We all need hobbies right?

More – But on How This Podcast Helps

Giles offers some good tips here and in general, how to grow your blog into what you want it to be. This is important. You should like the blog you have. This is both because no one wants to read a bunch of posts where it is obvious you hate blogging. But also for your sanity. It can be time-consuming (depending on your goals here).

You may run into some snags along the road, yet have trouble finding answers to what seem like basic questions. It is nice having a podcast that answers and explains some earlier experiences of bloggers beginning out, or that have been blogging for a year or two. Which is still young when you compare to some of the bigger bloggers.

Giles will offer you fantastic tips from a relatable perspective, especially when you are new and confused. This podcast is not only limited to those that are new to blogging; everyone seems to sometimes have questions around certain topics. This podcast has great titles, so if you want to hear about one specific topic – check it out and see if one of the podcasts goes into it. You never know what you will learn.

Quick run-down on stop steps for how to start a blog

How to Start a Blog

1. Decide a Topic

  • What do you want to write about?
  • If there are multiple topics you are considering, maybe a lifestyle topic is your best bet.
  • Do not get too caught up in this aspect or in the next one. They may change over time.

2. Pick a Domain Name

  • Pick one you like but do not spend too long on this.
  • Why? Because your first blog may not be successful, especially if you are unsure about what your niche or topic may be ultimately.
  • That is ok, just pick one you like. You may not love it, but you may grow to love it.
  • There are many sites in which you can get a domain name. Typically, you buy it through a subscription via some third-party site. This may be free in some cases. But it is almost always (or always) for a set amount of time, say a year. Then you need to renew it. Sometimes you can get it for a few years I believe. However, it will never be a permanent one without some upkeep down the road.
  • IF you decide to purchase paid hosting, some of the hosting sites offer packages with domain name registration included.

3. Decide if you Want Paid Hosting or Not

  • There are a few options for paid hosting. I personally use Bluehost. What I like here is that I chose and registered my new domain name, obtained a site (including SSL or the “https” at the beginning of the website URL which many browsers almost insist on now), and could then use WordPress.org for my blog.
  • WordPress.org versus WordPress.com
    • I really did not know the difference for a while.
    • One is paid (.org). One is not (.com). Why does this matter? Advertising is primarily only available through .org. If you will not be advertising, but may be offering other services, you should consider the differences between the two for yourself.
  • Another reason why hosting is a something you may need? If your page will be rather large or (and you may not know this immediately), bring in a lot of traffic. I like including pictures a lot. As such, having the .org version of WordPress probably always was going to make sense for me because it is something I REALLY like.
  • Another feature that many like with the paid version of WordPress (wordpress.org) is that it offers various plug-ins and themes. Some themes are free and some are included on the free wordpress.com. However, the plug-ins are something unique here and can offer a whole range of features. This is why you may want to suggest a hosting service that includes WordPress.org. Bluehost, which I use, is one option.
    • Note: there are other hosting platforms apart from Bluehost, so feel free to check out the other ones. I am speaking on my experience and it is what I chose from my research.
  • Also note that Bluehost offers other sites to run your blog on apart from WordPress. I chose WordPress and have never looked back sense then.

4. Choose Where You Want the Blog/Site

  • If you choose a free option (WordPress.com) or if you choose an option that both hosts and runs the site (Blogger I believe does and I believe you can go directly through WordPress.org for both hosting and running the site), then that is easy.
  • Otherwise, you may have your domain name purchased one place, hosting (if applicable) from some other, and then still need to set up the site some other place. Typically, if you have a paid hosting service, the last step is not so difficult. However, if you buy your domain name elsewhere, to me that can be difficult.

4. Remember you can start out free and move your site over to a paid host.

  • This should be emphasized because if you start out paying, it may be costly (VERY costly) to move it over to another paid host or to try to turn it free.

5. Ok, now you have your blog.

6. I would say do not overthink it at first. Watch tutorials. Get content up. Get it organized in a way you like. Keep it organized. The more you overthink it, the worse.

Final Thoughts

For starting a blog, my number one piece of advice is just start. Usually I hear people mention sound ideas for what they want to talk about. Yet they are hesitant in whether they should start one up. Or they are spending a lot of time in the beginning asking questions on whether they should start up a blog. The planning, wondering, and asking will only take up more time. More importantly, it will eat up at a lot of that initial excitement and inertia. You can only know once you begin. Even if you choose the paid hosting option, you are looking at a very little amount per month.

If you make no money from it – who cares. You are paying not that much for your hobby. I firmly believe a lot can be learned by blogging. It may earn you money as well and paid hosting to me is worth it in case you decide to go down that road after a few months or you know you want to right away. Just start.

As mentioned (now a lot and sorry – its my experience!), I use Bluehost for my hosting. I also obtained my access to WordPress.org and my domain for this blog through them. Below is my sponsored link for Bluehost.

I am happy with it right now. This is not to say that I am not endorsing it as the best (that is up to you to determine based on your need). Rather, just that I have used it and plan to continue to use it. I do not plan to switch after having had it for almost a year, and I will be happy to answer any questions about it.

Just contact me via my contact page.

*Note that this ad is an affiliate ad.

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