Wandering For Money - Green Brick Road

Texture Photo

Texture photo and a song

Here is my texture photo and current mood via song below.

texture photo


Circles Out Of SaltSnow Ghosts

via iTunes:

via Amazon:


And here close up

texture photo closer up

I like the blurry aspect. Part of editing. Partly because I took it with my phone. Either way, I like it. And it adds a bit more to the texture photo. It is like the daily post photo challenge I saw from earlier. That challenge is older – layered. To me, this array of textures, colors, shapes, and dimensions in this texture photo gives it a layered look, and different ways one could interpret it; or different elements, or layers, to focus on.

It was taken when my uncle noticed how neat this patch of flowers looked. This was while we were walking around a neighborhood. Beauty was right there.

Til next time…

If interested in any of my photos, contact me!

Also, check out some of my old photos under my weekly photo challenge category and photography category. Finally, until next time, for posts on ways to make and save money, check out my master list of money making post and my master list of posts for saving money and time.

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