Wandering For Money - Green Brick Road

Rainy Days

Rainy Days and Something I Can Never Have

I can never have rainy days again how they were with you. And how you wanted to spend them with me. Which look pretty in these photos and are with the right person.

But, here are my rainy days in some photos…

Pictures During a Rainy Day

Rainy Days and Flowers
Rainy days and ivy
Flower in the rain
Flowers in the rain


Something I Can Never HaveVitamin String Quartet (Season 1 of Westworld)

Available via Apple Music here for preview or download:

And by Amazon here:

Final Thoughts

I hope everyone is staying safe. And I will update my master list of ways to make money, my saving time and money posts list, and my referral codes master list soon.


Since this pandemic, and generally, with time, there have been some changes with what apps and sites are available still or taking new users. Unfortunately.

Also, some referral programs have changed. So, I have started updating some past posts but look for more soon. Hopefully, most changes are temporary.

And please see the CDC website if you are looking for that information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Simply, I do write about loss a lot; and I hope that can help others going through a loss. But please seek official sources for further information to prevent unnecessary future losses.

If you have recently (or not recently) lost someone, I am so sorry. Whether it was related to COVID-19 or not, I know it is quite hard to handle a loss at the moment, as this pandemic has presented new challenges and reminders.

Contact me if you need someone to talk to or help finding resources.

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