Wandering For Money - Green Brick Road

Contact Me

 Contact me!

Want to get in touch? Reach out! Love comments and feedback. So feel free to contact me here!

Contact me

Hi and thank you for visiting. Use this page to get in touch with me with any questions you have! Just fill out the form below.

I am happy to hear any comments or answer any questions or just generally help if you find an app confusing (they can be).


All photos used on my blog are my own. I have plenty others and love taking them. Are you looking to license stock photos to use for your website or blog? Let me know via the form below and include any details (subject, price range, etc.)! If interested in purchasing photos on canvas, or other items, or via digital transfer, contact me!

Also, if you want to sell your own stock photos via apps, see this post on apps to sell stock photos.

Writing Services

I am available to write posts, articles, reports, and other materials based on individual needs. If you would like for me to write material for your site or for another medium, or if you are seeking a sponsored post on my site, please reach out using this contact form. Please provide a brief overview of the content, platform for the piece of writing, length, budget, and desired time frame. I will get back as soon as I can regarding my rate and other pertinent aspects, as appropriate for your needs. If it is time sensitive – write time sensitive in all caps at the top of the comment. While I check this frequently as is, I want to make sure I can get back to you right away if you need it soon! I am happy to help. So contact me below!

Contact Form

Also welcomed are: Suggestions for an App or Site you want me to Review; comments; questions; etc. 

Just let me know via this contact form or via wanderingformoney@gmail.com!!

Thank you for visiting!

~WanderingForMoney 🙂

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