6+ Easy Ways to Save More in 2020
6+ Easy Ways To Save More in 2020

Save more and stop feeling poor in 2020. Here’s how to save more in 2020 with 6+ ideas that anyone can do pretty easily. And trust me, it saves up.
1. First Know Your Expenses to Cut Down on Bills and Begin Budgeting
Keeping track of bills and maintaining a budget is so important. But it sort of feels frustrating at times. Right?
For me, I like to use printables such as one I have on my Etsy shop.
Also, I love monthly calendars that give a great overview and can be found in many planners too. Which, I love and have some on my Etsy shop as well, but also check out Amazon!
How does looking at bills for a month help?
So, I like seeing where and when each bill is going to be paid. This works for me in paper format or on Excel (iOS App Store) or you can get via this link: https://products.office.com/en-us/excel. But this can also work utilizing some awesome budgeting apps (see next point)!
The takeaway here is seeing an overlay of your monthly bills can reduce stress because you know your budget, maybe reveal some areas you can cut back on, and help you avoid late fees. Easy!
Tip: have one main calendar or page dedicated to monthly bills so that it does not get lost amongst other planner or daily items.
When You Know Where Your Expenses Are Going Each Month, it Becomes WAY easier to See Where to Cut and Save More Money
2. Use Apps to Manage Your Budget and Bills for EASY help Budgeting
Thankfully, some apps can also help you budget and manage your bills, plus help you save some on subscriptions.
Here are a few apps to check out for budgeting and to save more in 2020 with smart financing
TrueBill Budget & Bill Tracker
iOS App Store | Google Play | Truebill.com
Clarity Money – Budget Manager
iOS App Store | Google Play | ClarityMoney Webpage
Mint: Personal Finance and Money
iOS App Store | Google Play | Mint.com
Excel (App)
iOS App Store | Microsoft Store
3. Buy Essential Items in Bulk
Another way to save more in 2020 is by buying essential items in bulk. And for items you frequently use, this can save tons of time!
When is buying in bulk going to save you money?
- Items you know you will need.
- Things you use frequently.
- Essentials such as toilet paper, paper towels, or cleaning supplies.
- Those things you love that are way cheaper in bulk! (For me, it is tea)
Buying in bulk for these things can save money since usually buying in large quantities does. So long as you are going to use them, you will likely save. It can also save time for things that you use frequently.
So, I like to pick things that will not go bad, but also that are somewhat annoying to go to the store and get when you run out. Especially if you do not have a car!
Why waste time and money on gas if you can instead save by buying your essentials in bulk??
My Suggestions for Options to Buy in Bulk
If you do not have a club membership card, then apps and online shops can help. Here are a few ideas…
iOS App Store | Google Play | Boxed.com
So this one markets itself as a bulk item purchasing retailer. And so it is easy to see why it is a good spot to check out, especially with its very high ratings and big user base!
Jet: Shopping Made Easier
iOS App Store | Google Play | Jet.com
While not marketed so much as a bulk item purchase platform, it does let you buy in bulk and generally offers big savings!
Amazon Options
Amazon has a few options here.
If you have Prime you probably have seen some, but here are a few worth noting…
Amazon Pantry
Restaurant & Bulk Food Store Supply
Coupons for Some Grocery Items
Bottom line
Buying larger quantities can save you substantially when it comes to items you frequently use. Just compare the prices for different quantities of toilet paper, paper towels, dishwasher detergent, many beverages, etc. and you will see what I mean!
Also – check out these apps for even more savings with these services: Ibotta, Dosh, and Drop.
4. Plan Your Meals Weekly
Another thing I want to do to save more in 2020 is get better at planning my meals in advance for the week.
Meal planning is recommended by so many others, and for good reason. It can save you time and money if you plan your weekly meals in advance. And also help prevent wasting food. Another great way to save more in 2020 for sure and one I am definitely committed to this year!!
5. Get Money Back on Everyday Purchases
There are a few ways to just simply get money back on everyday purchases. For some apps, check out:
Get with my referral code here or use referral code janq5.
Download via my referral code for extra welcome bonuses here.
Rakuten (formerly EBates).
Get it here for a $10 sign-up bonus.
While you need to claim the savings deal first with it, this platform which has an app, website, and browser plug-in is great.
Sign up for the app here for a welcome bonus.
This app is great for gas savings and more and you can download here.
Also, consider cash-back cards, which can be great! My favorite? The Discover It card.
6. Use Grocery and Pharmacy Apps
This is one of my absolute favorite ways to save.
How do I do it? It is pretty simple for grocery stores and pharmacies I go to. For example, Safeway and CVS have fantastic apps. Then, you link your membership card to them and can make it a simple routine to send extra discounts to your loyalty card (or phone number) and the discounts are added on when you check out. What can be easier than that?
Tip: With the ones I use, they usually expire around a week or so and so I like to go in and just add them to my loyalty card every now and then. It is free to add the deals and way easier to do so before you are in the store.
Final Thoughts
Look for more tips on budgeting (including when moving somewhere new) and finance tips to help you save more in 2020 and be smart with your money. I hope everyone is having a great 2020 so far. And, contact me with any questions.
Also, see these posts for other money tips:
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